Getting Your House Picture Ready to List!
Getting your house ready for pictures is an important first step in the selling
process. The reason this is an important step is because you want your pictures to
look good when they are posted online. Pictures represent the house prior to
anyone going to see the house in person. When people look at pictures they get a
feeling for the house, the layout, the upkeep, things of that nature.
It is amazing how small things can make a house look so much better, not just in
pictures but in person as well! Let’s get into some tips:
• Tidy up the outside
1) Pick up around the yard
2) Mow, trim, get rid of weeds
3) Clean deck, furniture, patios
4) Pressure wash house if needed
• Inside the house
1) Replace light bulbs if needed
2) Clean off and remove items from all countertops in kitchen and
3) Clean off and remove items from kitchen table, place a centerpiece if
4) De clutter all surfaces including mantles and tops of refrigerators
5) Remove small rugs to show the floors
6) Wash walls/touch up paint
• Pets (We love them but not everyone does)
1) Hide food bowls, litter boxes, and toys
2) Don’t forget to get the hair off the couches
• Great hiding spots
1) Closets
2) Washer/dryers
3) Dishwasher
4) Cupboards/pantries
5) Garages/Sheds
Getting Your House Picture Ready to List is an important part of the selling process.
Click here to see why curb appeal is also important.

Crystal Zabel, Realtor
“Your Crystal Clear Realtor”
Coldwell Banker Professionals
67395 Main Street
Richmond, MI 48062
586-727-2741 – Office
810-683-4560 – Cell
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What is my home worth?